
Say goodbye for the pneumonia!!

Reading the my sister's diary on her mixi, my doctor had said that Samurai's remaining days were just about 1 month if the medicine shouldn't work when he got the pneumonia this time...

Obviously, he can imagine that whole his famliy was very afraid of it and they could have asked estimations of funeral in the worst case, acctually... hahahaha One month is enough to find out the economy plan of funeral...lol

But the Samurai has been amazingly recovered from the fucking pneumonia and still alive powerfuly!! This was the second time he suffered by complications during his leukemia's treatment, plus, those doctors always notify cruel notices to his famliy.

So, the Samurai still doesn't know whether his vitality is too powerful or the God doesn't want him on his place. It could mean that it is not the time to he goes, yet, unless he desires.

It has been passed already 1 year and 4 motnhs that he has been in the jail, but still he keeps his spirit high with a lot of hopes given by his family and a lot of friends even passing these boring days in inside the fence.

Thanks a lot for those who always cheering him up!!


4 件のコメント:

  1. É isso aí continue lutando, pois eu, nós acreditamos na sua cura! Mande esta pneumonia pastar! Viva Samurai!!!!

  2. Ken san! Sare logo! Estamos torcendo muito por voce! Nao desista porque vc tem muito pra viver ainda!

  3. Para Leticia.

    Obrigado pelo recado e a forca!! Tou na luta para pastar essa bosta de pneumonia!! kkkk
    Abracao aos todos!


  4. Para Mari-chan.

    Obrigado pela torcida de Hamamatsu!
    Tenho muito a fazer nesta vida ainda, mesmo!
    Festas, cervejas, hanabi, passeio e bebedeira em Kyoto e de mais outros! lol
    Abracao aos todos de Hama!!
