
The Samurai's book launch by Volunteer Group!

The week of concerned fight has begun from last Monday with chemotherapy which must concern a lot about Samurai’s liver. The side effect is very strong especially to this part of body and index number of the liver is getting high gradually every each day.

However, there’s no special symptom at least today. It sounds good!!

While his fighting without interval, the Volunteer Group of Publication of his book got started their activitiy lsat Sunday fowarding to launch the “Diary of fight against disease” (the real title will be different) . However, he wrote focus on how he has been trying to get over this most difficult situation on his life in place to write about said story because usually these sort of book are publishes after patient die and wrote about sadly battle they had passed by their family or after patient gets better.

And also, he always thought the most of those contents passes us patients very negative images takes away from us the gas we need to challenge and fight at the moment to surviving, indeed.

That’s why Samurai wants to write it during his fight and give some example of how he has been trying to face it glancing the true fact of die beside of him, and so, at the same time he wants other patients who suffering the same kind of disease or people who in the difficult situation, for example, on business, family and parents or at school problem discover the power to get over the such each difficulties. Because many time, what we suffer with disease is same to other kinds problems “in term of difficulty” in level of suffering if we compare with.

And now he would really appreciate to the initiative of Mr. Harada who caught Samurai’s enthusiasm to write the book and invited Mr. Richard, Mr. Ryoichi and Prof. Yoshi in order to the activity gets much quickness and efficiency.

Thank you very very much for all of your kindness and cooperation and wish we could take the published book on our hand to enthusiasm others who is about to loose its hope for live.

Best regards

4 件のコメント:

  1. Ken,
    Tudo bem, meu irmao?
    O Richard Livramento me convidou para participar do financiamento do seu livro, com o que concordei imediatamente. E ele falou do seu blog e me atualizou sobre voce. Ontem, num casamento em Campinas, o Mauricio Hashizume se apresentou para mim e nos tambem falamos de voce.
    Gostaria de retomar o contato, Ken. Qual o seu email? O meu eh adriano@gizmodo.com.br.
    Voce eh um cara muito especial. Um craque na vida e nos campos, um sujeito do bem, um irmao para todos nos que estamos juntos nessa com voce, torcendo para ve-lo logo de volta aos gramados.
    Estou contigo aih, Ken.
    Pode contar agora e sempre.
    Abraco grande.
