
Lucia's birthday

2 years ago, the birthday party on their ragged second hand home in Kani-ciry celebrated only between them was so full of expectation, hopes and plan in future with a first lovely dog "Natsu".

It was commemorated Lucia's birthday yesterday on the hospital with much more expectation, hopes and delayed life plan than two years ago. Although this time the party was very simple in the Samurai's sickroom only with a piece of cake for each one of them it was filled of happiness.

Getting old and needed a little of shape up... but her beauty is getting more elegant.

Thanks you very very much for you take care about him being standing by his side physically and spiritually.

He loves you, too much


1 件のコメント:

  1. Eeeee Lucia! Feliz Aniversario! Tudo de bom, e tudo do Ken pra vc!
    Muitos beijos
