
A good sign!!

After 4 months, Samurai felt autumn wind out of the jail looking at the beautiful blue and red gradation of the Sataurday's evening sky in front of his house. The old house filled of problems in machinaries and in a lot of its parts but his house can't be changed to any other for him to relax and feel his place with his family. However, he needed to back to the jail on Saunday evening to keeps his treatment during this week.

Instead of the hard fight and miracle recovery from the last penumonia, now he is expecting a unbelivable rseult of DNA exam this week.

Today, he had to change from the private room for the group one, so he was disappointed at that moment when the nurse asked him, but at the next moment, he knew that this means that it doesn't take so long to get him out from the jail.

Looking forward for the exam result and the day he can leave here...


2 件のコメント:

  1. Que bom que voce esta em casa Ken! Que bom!!!! Estou muito feliz por voce! Voce ja esta quase la, entao, relaxe, va pra sua prisao (agora coletiva) porque daqui a pouco tudo dara certo pra vc!

    Beijos e aproveite esse tempo com a Lucia, sua casa (estou esperando a proxima festa), sua familia e seus dogs!


  2. Agradeco muito a voces pela forca!
    Aproveito mesmo para comer o que nao posso comer no hospital e curtir a familia e casa.

    A festa tambem nao esta tao longe!!
    Arigatou, Mari-chan
