
Samurai Japan!!

Watching the National Team’s game against Venezuela yesterday, I didn’t catch what was the purpose of the game…. and unhappily I couldn’t really understand even listening the vacant comment of the head coach…therefore, what we Samurai Japan Supporters can expect from their performance on the world cup in South Africa…

Well, the second shot of Chemo has done today morning and feeling better than yesterday, less silly and more hunger. Yes!! Now I’m having a can of coffee that I didn’t want a bit of it at the first transplant and also feeling much physically stronger than that period. So, let’s say that Samurai has been entirely better prepared to the second transplant so as to keep his spirit higher!!

Samurai must get better till the world cup in June and insistently wishes that he will be able to toast high a glass of beer watching games as much as 4 years ago at the No Names Bar in Hamamatsu!!

4 件のコメント:

  1. My brother! Bons tempos do No Name Bar! Sera que esse ano teremos mais alegria. Grande abraco! Osny

  2. Parabens pelo primeiro comentario apos a inauguracao!! rs

    No ano da Copa, com certeza sempre tem mais alegria!!

    Obrigado, brother.


  3. Grande Maradona,

    Com certeaz vou querer estar presente quando o amigo estiver fazendo um brinde com uma geladinha.

    Vamos torcer para o Japao ser campeao da copa desta vez, rs...

    Boa sorte!!

    Richard cabron

  4. Vamos torcer para o Samurai Japan, sim!
    Ja pode colocar as geladihas na geladeira, viu?!

    From Maradona em reabilitacao.
